Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Art Work of Folkert De Jong: Carving Examples in Styrofoam

Folkert De Jong

Folkert De Jong is a contemporary artist who works in Amsterdam. He uses styrofoam as a final material. He talks about why in the second link below. 

"What matters to me, are the actual moral conflicts that emerge from these materials ones that are being used in sculptural installations. I carefully choose these materials for two contradicting reasons: For its immoral content and because of its tantalizing sweetness, human body-related colours, attractive texture and its very specific gravity and the possibilities they offer to use them in a sculptural way. These two elements provoke both attraction and repulsion in the same time and make it an efficient but disputable sculptural material. Once used in figurative sculptural scenes that represent a specific human drama, the meaning of the materials start to emerge above the technical possibilities and start to show its most politically incorrect side. That is my starting point and it becomes for me a unique artistic medium to reflect on the subjects of dark human drama and complex social and political realities in a most efficient way."

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